San Diego Artist

Deena Sand "World of Art" Gallery
Gallery Slide Show
Art Exhibitions
An artist's work will evolve over time.....

"By blending realism with impressionistic light and color I am able to paint my emotions onto canvas with feeling and imagination."
Impressions of Children

Over the years my art compositions have taken many directions, but as a mother I find great satisfaction and inspiration in impressionist paintings of children.

Utilizing paint, charcoal, and colored pencil I strive to capture that special moment from the innocent eyes of children, and transfer that emotional moment onto canvas.

Baby Andrew
Ange de Paradis

Artistic Emotions - Breaking New Ground
In creating new artwork for the future it is my wish to explore other varieties of art styles that will allow me to express a multitude of artistic emotions.
Saint John Inspired by Dali
Signs of Life
Deena's World of Art
Fine Art and Custom Crafts
San Diego, California

Impressionist Paintings of Children
San Diego Artist - Deena Sand Custom-Made Jean Purses